Your Redemption

“…in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:14).

Do you want to be completely out of debt?

Are you kidding? Everyone in the United States and around the globe would like to be out of debt. There is so much pain that people have experienced because of debt. Just think of the relief that you would feel if all your financial debts were wiped away… Well, there is something much more costly than financial debt. That is the debt of sin that mankind owes the Eternal One.

Jesus is the only One who was able to pay a debt for you that you could not pay, the forgiveness of your sins.  To redeem is to cancel your debt: He bought you back and brought you back from the enemy of your soul.  Jesus will not only get you out of the pit you were in He will get rid of your sins that you are doomed to repeat.  If you are tired of your old life, let Jesus into every one of your life moments.  He makes all things new.

Get out of Debt…

Turn to Jesus as your redeemer.

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