You are Anointed
If you are like most of us, you don’t really “feel” like you are anointed early in the morning, or late at night. To be anointed is not just to have oil poured over you, it is to be consecrated or set apart for a specific task. If you have received Jesus Christ as your savior and surrendered to his Lordship in your life, then you have been anointed or set apart. God will be with you and lead you as you call on Him.
We have to get rid of the religiosity to realize that Jesus was a man, anointed by God. He had feelings. He would have feared going to the cross. He was only able to do what God had for Him to do, by obeying His father, trusting His father, and following His father. He was able to take away the sins of the world, because He was the lamb of God. He fulfilled His purpose by trusting in His father in heaven.
So what about you? What is your purpose? Your purpose is to listen to your father in heaven, obey your father in Heaven, be anointed by Him and confidently do the work that He has set before you to do. Yes, that may include grocery shopping and changing diapers. His ways include all of life. The good news this does not need to be done in our own strength, but it is in the strength of the One who calls us and gives us His purpose.
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