The Abundance Of Your Heart
Have you ever listened to yourself talk?
Matthew 12:34 says that “... out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (NKJV). What is in your heart? If you want to know where you are in your walk with God, just listen to what you…

Sue Detweiler interviews Teasi Cannon, Part 2
As a former middle school teacher, women's public speaker, and survivor of a lifelong emotional battle with her body, Teasi Cannon is no stranger to body angst. But after experiencing a profound healing, she now loves what she sees in the mirror,…

Take The Limits Off
Do you have put limits on yourself?
In Jeremiah 1:7 God speaks straight with the prophet Jeremiah when He says “Don’t say, ‘I’m too young,’ for you must go wherever I send you and say whatever I tell you” (NLT). If God were…

Let The Weak Say "I Am Strong"
How do you view your life?
If you want to change your life, change your perspective. There were times in the Bible when God’s people didn’t see themselves like God saw them. In Joel 3:10 God challenges the people with “let the weak…

Hopeful Perspective
Do you ever feel hopeless?
Romans 15:4 tells us that “...the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled” (New Living Translation). In fact, joy, peace, and abounding home come from…

Be Kind To Yourself
Are you hard on yourself?
If you are a mom, at one point or another you have probably blamed yourself for something.... you didn’t spend enough time with your son or daughter... you should have said the right thing... you should be like…