Talk To Us!
Talk To Us!
Be open and honest with your daily struggles. You can be real and vulnerable and still be a Christian Mom who loves her kids. Talk to us!
If you have a prayer request, question, or an idea you can email info@suedetweiler.com and…

There are no Perfect Families, but we Serve a Perfect God!
Don't Worry if your Family is not Perfect...
If you feel like your family doesn't measure up to being "picture perfect"... relax, no family is perfect. Everyone of us fall short of all that God has for us to be as a family. Every parent sins,…

Be the Best Mom you can Be with God's Help!
We all need help!
You may feel like the worst mom in the world. You may feel like you have blown your temper too many times, or are hanging on by your finger nails. Or you could feel pretty confident that you are a good mom, but you want…

Be a Mom on Mission!
You have a mission!
Being a mom places you on a unique mission field! You have a first hand calling to parent your child in the ways of God. You are called, established and equipped by God to be the best mom in the world, WITH HIS HELP.…

His Needs, Her Needs
Although Companionship is a universal need, love, fulfillment and satisfaction in marriage does not just happen. Many marriages begin with great hope and expectation, but come to a screeching halt through an affair or just sheer boredom. Wayne and Sue Detweiler talk about having a thriving marriage that lasts a life time.

Overcoming Postpartum Depression
Overcoming Postpartum Depression - by Christa Ashworth
My Story of overcoming postpartum depression:
I was really looking forward to being a mom. I had my first baby when I was 27 years old, and I felt like I could conquer the world. …