Tales of a Lion Trainer
by Sarah Seigand
The name of my oldest son, Judah, means, “Praise the Lord.” It also bears the imagery of a lion as Jesus is referred to as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Little did we know how fitting that name would be.

The Purpose of it all!
by Kacey Randolph
There it was, staring back at me. My own name with the curser blinking beside it. Staring at me. I hadn’t had to send a “formal” email in quite some time, in fact I can’t remember the last time I had to and for some…

Teachable Moments
by Kim Mozingo
My mother picked up my son at pre-school one afternoon and took him for a treat. As they were enjoying their treat he asked, “So, Grandma, how was your day?” “I had a great day, how was yours?” responded Grandma. …

What does it take to have a Thriving Marriage?
by Wayne and Sue Detweiler
Can you imagine being in an apartment with your spouse, knowing that others were watching you fight? John M. Gottman, PH.D. put couples in a “Love Lab” to try to see if he were able to predict divorce. One hundred…

Video: A Mother's Prayer
Sue Detweiler, Founder of ChristianMomTalk.com, shares how a mother's prayer can change a nation. Using the biblical story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, Sue shares how God answers the desperate petition of a mother who surrenders her hearts desire…

Don't Try to be Someone Else Be the Mom that God called you to be!
God has Designed you Uniquely!
From the beginning of time, God fashioned you and designed you to be one of a kind!
Ephesians 2:10 says "For we are God’s masterpiece.
He has created us anew in Christ
Jesus, so we can do the good things…