Changing Seasons
by Kacey Randolph
With the beginning of a new school year and Fall approaching, I can’t help but to think of the changing seasons. Not only in reference to our weather but also in our lives. Recently, there have been circumstances in my…

"Faith Night" Benefit Concert - Sunday September 2 at 6pm
You are invited to a night of faith-filled worship led by David Baroni, Kyle & Lisa Cooper, Wydell Croom & Faith Life Choir, Eric Jackson & Ricky Skaggs with Sharon White. The concert is free to the everyone and a love offering will…

Faith and the Paranoid Mom
by Amy Ford
"If I hear about one more baby left in a car, or accidental drowning, or mass shooting, I'm going to lose my mind," I ranted to myself with all the hormones of a pregnancy in its eighth month. The constant barrage of news stories…

Milestone Moments
by Jennifer Frank
A milestone has come and gone. Three days ago was my daughter's first day of Kindergarten. As I presented her to her new teacher, her new desk, her new environment, I felt a bit lost in the hoopla all around me. There were…

Teachable Moments
by Tara Treat Lenger
So, Treat was crying in his bed and I went and snuggled him for a bit. When I put him back to bed here's how our conversation went...
Treat: "I want to ask God to help me feel better because I'm crying."
Me: "well ask…

I love you
In 2006 Christin Loera had put aside dating and agreed to give one year to the Lord – for Him to show her who He was – to prove Himself. During the year, she not only saw the redemptive work of the Lord, she began to see His deep love,…