4 Ways to Overcome the Invisible Struggle that Every Mom Faces
Reflect, Trust, Prepare and Believe - 4 ways to overcome the invisible struggle that every mom faces.

Sue Detweiler interviews Brenda Kean
Brenda Kean is the mother of 4 beautiful daughters and serves along with her husband Garry as a missionary in Kenya Africa. Brenda has the heart of compassion for the least and the lowest and willingly serves in the slums of Nairobi equipping…

3 Ways for Moms to Live the Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12
f you are a woman who loves Jesus fiercely, you will obey His commands. His rule for you life will compel you to walk in love, compassion and forgiveness every day of your life. If you walk in this way, day in and day out, your children will learn the Golden rule directly from you.

2 Keys to Unlocking Your Potential as a Mom
Faith and Obedience are Two Keys that Unlock your potential as a mom.

Sue Detweiler interviews Malekia Bell, Part 2
Malekiah Bell grew up in the projects of Detroit Michigan. As a teen she was on a path of destruction until her aunt opened her heart and her home to rescue her and help get her on a better path. Malekiah applied herself in school and now…

4 Ways to let the Hot Air OUT of your Anger
As you laugh, listen, learn and love you will grow closer to God as you grow closer to your family. The anger of the moment will evaporate when you concentrate on walking in God's fruit of love.