Love Relationship
How do you foster your relationship with God on a daily basis?
Your love relationship with God is more than just having a “quiet time” where we check off the boxes when you read the right scriptures. It is a walk that requires focusing…

Sue Detweiler interviews Elizabeth Claybaker, Part 2
Raised in Los Angeles, California, Elizabeth Claybaker graduated high school at the age of 16 and went on to attend a junior college before transferring to UCLA as a Junior. She served as Director of Women’s Issues for UCLA’s student government,…

The Overflow Of Love
If you are honest, how is your relationship with God?
Do you sometimes try to earn God’s love by following a checklist of things you should do? As a Christian, you are called not to just have outward actions that appear to obey Him, but…

Walk The Walk
Are there areas in your life that you want to overcome?
In areas of great struggle, it is not usually a hop-skip-and-a-jump, and then we arrive someplace. We don’t click the heels of our red ruby slippers, and like Dorothy from The Wizard…

Think New
Do you ever have trouble thinking in a new way?
You may find that you have a common way that your mind will think. There is a route that your thoughts take and sometimes it is a rut filled with potholes of negative thought patterns. This…

Get Transformed
Are people really able to change? If you are saved, did you ever wish there was a button at the back of your brain that you could push to erase every bad thought and memory that you ever had?
The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news to you…