
Teachable Moments

by Tara Treat Lenger

So, Treat was crying in his bed and I went and snuggled him for a bit. When I put him back to bed here’s how our conversation went…
Treat: “I want to ask God to help me feel better because I’m crying.”
Me: “well ask Him and He will.”
Treat: “Well I don’t want to cause I can’t see Him. Is He up in the sky?”
Me: “Well, He’s all around us and He never leaves you.”
Treat. “Well He’s already making me feel better!”
Me: “Good! Then we say “Thank you, Jesus!”
Treat: “Wait, did we read a book about that?”
Me: “um, the Bible?”
Treat: “Yes! The Bible”
pause. . .. .
Treat: “Is Noah going to help me feel better too?”
the end. 🙂

Tara Treat Lenger is a wife and busy mom of two kids and a piano teacher. She treasures teachable moments with her kids that happen on a daily basis.

Teachable Moments

by Kim Mozingo

My mother picked up my son at pre-school one afternoon and took him for a treat.  As they were enjoying their treat he asked, “So, Grandma, how was your day?”   “I had a great day, how was yours?” responded Grandma.  “You know Grandma, when you have one of those days…where things just don’t go.”  This was not a typical response for my son who always has a “great day” at school, something had happened.  Thankfully, Grandma had some time to invest in this conversation.  As the story unfolded, he had gotten in trouble at school and was quite upset with his teacher over the situation.  He told Grandma how it “hurts real bad down in here (his chest area)” and he did not like it.  He told her, “Actually Grandma, it’s called sin”.   Read more