
Milestone Moments

by Jennifer Frank

A milestone has come and gone. Three days ago was my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten. As I presented her to her new teacher, her new desk, her new environment, I felt a bit lost in the hoopla all around me. There were cameras (including video), swarms of parents, and a general bustle of excitement and uneasiness. Where I felt lost was in my emotions. I glanced through the room and the hallways and noticed moms with tears in their eyes. Many were consoling each other with gasps of “can you BELIEVE it?!?!” As I quickly surveyed my internal condition, I realized I didn’t feel this way at all . . . then I was confused.

My daughter’s name is Zoe. Zoe means life. In fact, she will refer to herself as “Zoe full of life” and it is for good reason. Wide eyed and expectant, she is determined to make the most of this 5 year old life of hers and, well . . . Kindergarten is the next step. As her momma, I found myself aligning with her heart. She wasn’t sad, scared, intimidated. She was elated. Watching her, I was proud, excited and filled with joy at her expectation and wonder as she discovered all that this “5 year old” experience was going to be.

Later though, confusion started to set in for me. Every time I told someone that it was “Zoe’s first day of school” they looked at me like I just told them my dog ran away. “Are you OK?!”, they would ask, concerned for my broken heart. Um . . . “yeah” (???) Is that ok? I wondered.

For the last three days I have wondered about this. I have asked the Lord His perspective and, as it turns out, I’m pretty encouraged by what I feel like He has shared with me. God’s view is so different from ours. He sees everything in light of eternity. When you look at a moment in time (such as Zoe Frank’s first day of school) it is a minute component in the everything of God’s universe and His great and perfect plan. What I felt the Lord encourage me in, on the flip side, was that He was THERE! He was also very present in that precious moment, reveling and sharing in Zoe’s joy. Participating wholeheartedly in that “milestone” – blip on the radar screen of the universe though it may be.

Our joys are His joys. His joys are to be ours. Our Father celebrates our victories and shares in our sorrows – just as we do for our own children. I long to be so connected with the heartbeat of the Father. It seems to me, that for us, it would be good practice to “try this at home” with our kids. Heaven’s pictures are encapsulated all around us. Shadows and types of God’s heart and Kingdom are everywhere. As life on earth passes like a vapor, I pray that the eternal world of the God we serve becomes so real to us that we lay hold of His perspective and carry His emotions as our very own.

Jennifer Frank lives in Murfreesboro TN with her amazing husband of (almost) 9 years and 2 beautiful children (three actually – however their newest baby is of the dog species). Discovering God is her greatest joy and aspiration. Called to hear from heaven and transmit it’s songs, worship is her primary love – aside from Jesus Himself and stewarding this precious family God has given to her.

Teachable Moments

by Kim Mozingo

My mother picked up my son at pre-school one afternoon and took him for a treat.  As they were enjoying their treat he asked, “So, Grandma, how was your day?”   “I had a great day, how was yours?” responded Grandma.  “You know Grandma, when you have one of those days…where things just don’t go.”  This was not a typical response for my son who always has a “great day” at school, something had happened.  Thankfully, Grandma had some time to invest in this conversation.  As the story unfolded, he had gotten in trouble at school and was quite upset with his teacher over the situation.  He told Grandma how it “hurts real bad down in here (his chest area)” and he did not like it.  He told her, “Actually Grandma, it’s called sin”.   Read more

Overcoming Postpartum Depression

Overcoming Postpartum Depression – by Christa Ashworth

My Story of overcoming postpartum depression:

I was really looking forward to being a mom.  I had my first baby when I was 27 years old, and I felt like I could conquer the world.  I had been able to do almost everything I had put my mind to up until this point in my life, so when I experienced struggle after struggle with my newborn, I started to fall apart.  A few weeks after my daughter was born, I could feel myself slipping into some cloud of darkness.  I was experiencing all the new mom things like not sleeping, not showering and not having a moment to call my own – but also an underweight infant who had breastfeeding problems.  And my hormones must have been in total revolt against me.  I wanted to curl up into a ball on my bathroom floor and never see the world again. Read more


Adoption Story

Adoption is not for Cowards. Adoption is difficult and draining. Adoption is costly. Yet God is the Father to the Fatherless. He calls us to place the lonely in families.

It is unusual to see such a large family in today’s American culture.  You may be asking, “Did you plan on having such a large family when you got married?”

The answer would be “NO!” 

In fact after having our oldest biological daughter, Rachel, I wasn’t sure I wanted to have any more children. I felt overwhelmed by raising a toddler.  When our daughter Rachel was one-year-old she was kicked out of “Mother’s Day Out” for biting another baby and drawing blood.  I was distressed at having so little help.

At a retreat, I prayed with another pastor. He kindly said, “Open your heart, God wants to give you more children.”

At first I was mad. Then we prayed together and sensed God’s call to open our heart to having a larger family. A month later we were pregnant with Angela and then had 4 beautiful daughters in a row.

We felt that our family was complete. Then God surprised us.

On three different occasions, Wayne heard about God’s heart for adoption in group settings. Each speaker communicated with passion how the early church was known for adoption.  During these evil days, the Roman society was known to throw unwanted babies into the trash heap or throw them into the river.  Members of the early church would watch and wait for babies to be thrown away, then they would watch the river and the dump for unwanted infants and nurse them back to health and adopt them into families.

Wayne was quietly moved by these stories, but did not share what he began to feel as a prompting until the third time he heard this call of adoption.  On the third time, I was in the same room.  My face went white as I began to weep.  I pictured myself being before the throne of God and hearing Him say “Well done, but I had more children for you.”  When there was a break in the meeting, I whispered to Wayne, “We need to talk.”  He knew what the conversation was going to be about.

Wayne was having his own conversations with God about the potential of adopting.  One day he was mowing the lawn, arguing with God in his mind.  “God, is it fair to bring children into our home, when I am getting older in life?”  Wayne had an impression of God saying “Isn’t it better for sons to have an older dad, than no dad?”

We sought counsel of our senior pastor who encouraged us to ask God the big question of whether they were called to adopt and then also to ask the specific questions of who they were to adopt.

We went away alone to pray.  When our family joined us we shared our sense that God was calling us to adopt to boys from Brazil. The girls began to weep and affirm their willingness to embrace God’s call to adopt.

When we mentioned the nation of Brazil, my mom Donna began to cry as well.  “Sue, do you realize that this is a fulfillment of my prayers?”  Over forty years earlier, my mom and dad were planning to go to Brazil as missionaries, until my mom became pregnant with me.  Fearing, that it would be too difficult to take children on the mission field, my dad chose not to go.  My, feeling a sense of unfulfilled calling began to pray over the child in her womb from Jeremiah 1, believing that her call to the nation of Brazil would be fulfilled one day. Now the day had come.

9 months later Alexandre Joel (Dre) and Ezequiel Paul (Zeke) were added to our family!