
Your Help

Your Help, Your Hope of Glory

“…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

Do you sometimes feel under-qualified as a mom? The great new is that there is a helper that who qualifies you and sets you apart for the task of mothering.

I need all the help I can get as a mom of seven children. It’s those days when I feel overwhelmed that I need to stop and remind myself, that I since I have made Jesus the Lord of my Life, I am not alone in parenting our children …. Christ lives in me (Colossians 1:27), and He has given me the ability to be fruitful in every good work. That includes being a mom!

If I stay connected to Jesus, (John 15) He will strengthen me with all might as I tackle the mundane assignments of life.  He has given me Himself so that I can walk in patience even with little boys that want to talk back rathe than obey right away.  He is the One who has qualified to be the best mom in the world for my child.



There are no Perfect Families, but we Serve a Perfect God!

Don’t Worry if your Family is not Perfect…

If you feel like your family doesn’t measure up to being “picture perfect”… relax, no family is perfect.  Everyone of us fall short of all that God has for us to be as a family. Every parent sins, every child sins, every sibling sins.  Without Jesus, every family would be in shambles.  But Jesus is a redeemer. He is able to take the broken pieces of family mistakes and wounded relationships and bring healing and restoration.  Our God is perfect and He makes all things new.  He brings help to the helpless, and hope to the hopeless. He is the one who puts the lonely in families.

Trust God today to help you, heal you, and give you hope!