His Needs, Her Needs
by Wayne and Sue Detweiler
Although Companionship is a universal need, love, fulfillment and satisfaction in marriage does not just happen. Many marriages begin with great hope and expectation, but come to a screeching halt through an affair or just sheer boredom. What does it take to have a thriving marriage that lasts a life time?
The phrase His Needs, Her Needs(1994) was coined by Willard Harley who listed out the top needs for men and the top needs for women.
The Husband’s Five Most Basic Needs
1. Sexual fulfillment
2. Recreational companionship
3. An attractive spouse
4. Domestic support
5. Admiration
The Wife’s Five Most Basic Needs
1. Affection
2 . Conversation
3. Honesty and openness
4. Financial Support
5. Family Commitment Read more