Changing Seasons

by Kacey Randolph

With the beginning of a new school year and Fall approaching, I can’t help but to think of the changing seasons. Not only in reference to our weather but also in our lives. Recently, there have been circumstances in my life where I have wished I could put the world on pause so that I can have a few quiet minutes to pray and to figure everything out – what’s the right thing to do, the right thing to say….Have you ever been there?

I home schooled my oldest son, Ryder, for Kindergarten and this school year he is attending a public school. Changing seasons. While I believe this is the right choice for him this year it didn’t come easily and it is taking some time to adjust. Even though I believe this is the right choice, it is not the most comfortable. When God calls us to something, the directions to accomplish his call are not always down the easiest route.

School has only been in session a few weeks and already, the playground in particular, has offered several learning opportunities. Silly kids disobeying all for the sake of a good time, mean kids being pushy, ugly talk…you know, life. Ryder has come home with a slew of questions including how to handle the second grader who pushes him off of the balance beam. Like most mothers, the thought of someone pushing your kid around has the potential to make you crazy. As I listened to Ryder explain what was going on (which sounded more like a misunderstanding than a bullying situation) I prayed for the right response and how to direct him to handle things the next time. Do you know what I realized? God is building Ryder’s character. God is using this (potentially) pushy second grader to allow me to minister to my child. To teach him about right and wrong choices, to teach him about compassion and how to stand up for what you believe in. It’s not easy to think about your child being pushed but it IS comforting when you realize how God can work through the situation and turn it in to something good, for the betterment of your child.

As adults, we don’t have to be on the playground to experience situations like this. It could be a challenging employer, relative, or even a thing – like a dishwasher that always breaks down, or a new transition. In every instance we have to ask ourselves what can I learn here? How can God be glorified in this situation? How can I respond in a way that glorifies Him? It’s not always easy, but do we really learn when things come easily? Or do we learn best when we are tested and we are able to testify to how God has worked through difficult times?

Maybe your dishwasher breaks down so you take time to slow down and really appreciate God’s provision. Maybe the lady who received bad news at the doctor’s office did so because you were able to operate in boldness and pray with her and when she was given miraculous news the next day, God was glorified.

Life’s seasons will change just like the weather, sometimes faster. There will be times of trial and times of favor. We can make even the hardest of times easier when we look to God for not only comfort but also discernment and understanding.


2 replies
  1. Kristina Martinez
    Kristina Martinez says:

    Thank you for sharing! This is very encouraging to me. My son just started public school this year after being in home school for 3 years. It has been challenging, but I know this is what the Lord has for him this year. I believe God is building his character for the man He has called him to be. And yes, for him and me:-), its not always comfortable, but I keep trusting that God knows what is best for him. Very thankful for that!


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