Changing Seasons

by Kacey Randolph

With the beginning of a new school year and Fall approaching, I can’t help but to think of the changing seasons. Not only in reference to our weather but also in our lives. Recently, there have been circumstances in my life where I have wished I could put the world on pause so that I can have a few quiet minutes to pray and to figure everything out – what’s the right thing to do, the right thing to say….Have you ever been there?

I home schooled my oldest son, Ryder, for Kindergarten and this school year he is attending a public school. Changing seasons. While I believe this is the right choice for him this year it didn’t come easily and it is taking some time to adjust. Even though I believe this is the right choice, it is not the most comfortable. When God calls us to something, the directions to accomplish his call are not always down the easiest route.

School has only been in session a few weeks and already, the playground in particular, has offered several learning opportunities. Silly kids disobeying all for the sake of a good time, mean kids being pushy, ugly talk…you know, life. Ryder has come home with a slew of questions including how to handle the second grader who pushes him off of the balance beam. Like most mothers, the thought of someone pushing your kid around has the potential to make you crazy. As I listened to Ryder explain what was going on (which sounded more like a misunderstanding than a bullying situation) I prayed for the right response and how to direct him to handle things the next time. Do you know what I realized? God is building Ryder’s character. God is using this (potentially) pushy second grader to allow me to minister to my child. To teach him about right and wrong choices, to teach him about compassion and how to stand up for what you believe in. It’s not easy to think about your child being pushed but it IS comforting when you realize how God can work through the situation and turn it in to something good, for the betterment of your child.

As adults, we don’t have to be on the playground to experience situations like this. It could be a challenging employer, relative, or even a thing – like a dishwasher that always breaks down, or a new transition. In every instance we have to ask ourselves what can I learn here? How can God be glorified in this situation? How can I respond in a way that glorifies Him? It’s not always easy, but do we really learn when things come easily? Or do we learn best when we are tested and we are able to testify to how God has worked through difficult times?

Maybe your dishwasher breaks down so you take time to slow down and really appreciate God’s provision. Maybe the lady who received bad news at the doctor’s office did so because you were able to operate in boldness and pray with her and when she was given miraculous news the next day, God was glorified.

Life’s seasons will change just like the weather, sometimes faster. There will be times of trial and times of favor. We can make even the hardest of times easier when we look to God for not only comfort but also discernment and understanding.


“Faith Night” Benefit Concert – Sunday September 2 at 6pm

You are invited to a night of faith-filled worship led by David Baroni, Kyle & Lisa Cooper, Wydell Croom & Faith Life Choir, Eric Jackson & Ricky Skaggs with Sharon White. The concert is free to the everyone and a love offering will be received to benefit Life-Bridges which is the non-profit ministry that supports ChristianMomTalk. Come and bring a friend to Faith Life Church(3646 Murfreesboro Pike, Antioch, Tennessee). Hope to see you there!

Faith and the Paranoid Mom

by Amy Ford

“If I hear about one more baby left in a car, or accidental drowning, or mass shooting, I’m going to lose my mind,” I ranted to myself with all the hormones of a pregnancy in its eighth month.  The constant barrage of news stories such as these is enough to send anyone on a media fast, but with my second child on the way, I am nearer the point of gathering supplies, locking up my home, and huddling with my family for the next eighteen years like some paranoid doomsday prepper.

This, I know, is not rational thinking.  Sheltering our children does them no favors in life, as any pop psychologist will confirm.  However, I think all women who have carried  children in their wombs or gone through the long and difficult process of adopting cannot help but feel a sense of urgency to protectively cling to their precious ones when the possibility of harm arises.  “After all,” I think, “those are my babies!”

That’s when I hear the voice of my Father: “Ahem, your babies?”

Okay, so that still, small voice has to get abrupt with me sometimes.  But, He has a point.  I have heard, and repeated myself, that God does not have grandchildren, only children.  And these lives that have been entrusted to my husband and me are just that: trusts.  We are not owners outright.  These children in my trust belong to God first and foremost.

So what does that say to my mother bear instincts?  Of course, I am responsible for these children: their health, education, safety, and development.  But ultimately, I cannot choose their paths or their destinies.  The oft quoted verse comes to mind immediately: “For I know the plans I have for you…”(Jer. 29:11).  We all know this verse, we repeat it, we write it on baby shower and graduation cards, but do we take it seriously when it comes to our own children?  It is a question of faith.  Do we have enough faith to truly trust God with that which is most precious to us, no matter what God’s plans look like?

Francis Chan, in his book Crazy Love, poses the scenario of a group of people going on a mission trip.  As we send them off, the first thing we always do is pray for their safety.  It seems logical, but what if we changed our perspective?  Shouldn’t our goal be, on mission trips or even everyday life, to see the Kingdom advanced, no matter what?  Jesus tells us to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all else will be granted to us (Matt. 6:33).  Of course we want our missionaries, our children, our spouses to be safe, but I am pretty sure God knows that.  I am also pretty sure that God can get glory out of any situation, and sometimes, His name shines more brightly through adversity and trial than through an easy, comfortable situation.

Many pastors like to remind us of the story of Abraham taking Isaac to be sacrificed out of obedience to God, having enough faith that God would not break His promise.  However, I cannot help but think about what Sarah was doing while her husband and child were away.  Did she know what God had told Abraham to do?  Did she pace the floors? Did she sleep at all?  Did she walk to the edge of their property and peer off in the distance looking for a sign of their return?  I cannot imagine the heart-wrenching hours she spent, knowing or even suspecting what was happening, but not knowing the end result.  However, it was their obedience that shook the world, laying the foundation for every hope we have today.

It is this kind of faith that God desires: not simply acknowledging belief, but living with Kingdom perspective, placing God on the throne of complete sovereignty in our lives.  And every time I look at my son’s beautiful face or feel my baby girl flip inside me, I have to stop and say a prayer of surrender to the Lord.  He knows the plans for me and my loved ones, if only I will trust Him enough to let Him fulfill them.

Milestone Moments

by Jennifer Frank

A milestone has come and gone. Three days ago was my daughter’s first day of Kindergarten. As I presented her to her new teacher, her new desk, her new environment, I felt a bit lost in the hoopla all around me. There were cameras (including video), swarms of parents, and a general bustle of excitement and uneasiness. Where I felt lost was in my emotions. I glanced through the room and the hallways and noticed moms with tears in their eyes. Many were consoling each other with gasps of “can you BELIEVE it?!?!” As I quickly surveyed my internal condition, I realized I didn’t feel this way at all . . . then I was confused.

My daughter’s name is Zoe. Zoe means life. In fact, she will refer to herself as “Zoe full of life” and it is for good reason. Wide eyed and expectant, she is determined to make the most of this 5 year old life of hers and, well . . . Kindergarten is the next step. As her momma, I found myself aligning with her heart. She wasn’t sad, scared, intimidated. She was elated. Watching her, I was proud, excited and filled with joy at her expectation and wonder as she discovered all that this “5 year old” experience was going to be.

Later though, confusion started to set in for me. Every time I told someone that it was “Zoe’s first day of school” they looked at me like I just told them my dog ran away. “Are you OK?!”, they would ask, concerned for my broken heart. Um . . . “yeah” (???) Is that ok? I wondered.

For the last three days I have wondered about this. I have asked the Lord His perspective and, as it turns out, I’m pretty encouraged by what I feel like He has shared with me. God’s view is so different from ours. He sees everything in light of eternity. When you look at a moment in time (such as Zoe Frank’s first day of school) it is a minute component in the everything of God’s universe and His great and perfect plan. What I felt the Lord encourage me in, on the flip side, was that He was THERE! He was also very present in that precious moment, reveling and sharing in Zoe’s joy. Participating wholeheartedly in that “milestone” – blip on the radar screen of the universe though it may be.

Our joys are His joys. His joys are to be ours. Our Father celebrates our victories and shares in our sorrows – just as we do for our own children. I long to be so connected with the heartbeat of the Father. It seems to me, that for us, it would be good practice to “try this at home” with our kids. Heaven’s pictures are encapsulated all around us. Shadows and types of God’s heart and Kingdom are everywhere. As life on earth passes like a vapor, I pray that the eternal world of the God we serve becomes so real to us that we lay hold of His perspective and carry His emotions as our very own.

Jennifer Frank lives in Murfreesboro TN with her amazing husband of (almost) 9 years and 2 beautiful children (three actually – however their newest baby is of the dog species). Discovering God is her greatest joy and aspiration. Called to hear from heaven and transmit it’s songs, worship is her primary love – aside from Jesus Himself and stewarding this precious family God has given to her.

Teachable Moments

by Tara Treat Lenger

So, Treat was crying in his bed and I went and snuggled him for a bit. When I put him back to bed here’s how our conversation went…
Treat: “I want to ask God to help me feel better because I’m crying.”
Me: “well ask Him and He will.”
Treat: “Well I don’t want to cause I can’t see Him. Is He up in the sky?”
Me: “Well, He’s all around us and He never leaves you.”
Treat. “Well He’s already making me feel better!”
Me: “Good! Then we say “Thank you, Jesus!”
Treat: “Wait, did we read a book about that?”
Me: “um, the Bible?”
Treat: “Yes! The Bible”
pause. . .. .
Treat: “Is Noah going to help me feel better too?”
the end. 🙂

Tara Treat Lenger is a wife and busy mom of two kids and a piano teacher. She treasures teachable moments with her kids that happen on a daily basis.

Tales of a Lion Trainer

by Sarah Seigand

The name of my oldest son, Judah, means, “Praise the Lord.” It also bears the imagery of a lion as Jesus is referred to as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Little did we know how fitting that name would be.

One afternoon with our Judah and just about anyone will pick up on his intense personality. From the first moment he tried baby food, to his first touchdown on a football team, every emotion—good or bad—would be written all over his face and expressed fully in as many words possible. That means he’s delightful and joyful, but he also struggles with anger and explosive reactions. Let me tell you how much fun THAT was when he was two.

I could tell early on Judah would fit the description of a “strong-willed child.” I had a very wise and seasoned mom encourage me one day when I hit a Mommy-low-point (you know, the kind where you amaze yourself with your own sinful reactions). This veteran mom said, “Strong-willed kids have a way of making you feel like a failure as a parent.” That may not sound like encouragement to you, but it was to me! I hadn’t pinpointed what was upsetting me (other than his behavior), but she was right… it was my own feelings of failure that really had me on the ropes, ready to give up. I was normal! What a relief. Read more

The Purpose of it all!

by Kacey Randolph

There it was, staring back at me. My own name with the curser blinking beside it. Staring at me. I hadn’t had to send a “formal” email in quite some time, in fact I can’t remember the last time I had to and for some reason seeing my name on the screen was weird. What was even MORE weird was that is was weird! 

I’m called any variation of Mom all day long – Mom, Mommy, Mama. When my husband gets home its “babe.” My friends call and its straight into conversation because we all know time on the phone is limited when kids are running through the house. The more the curser blinked beside my name the more I felt God speaking to my heart. God lovingly revealed to me that I was compartmentalizing my life. I am a Child of God. I am a Wife. I am a Mom. I am a Friend. I am Kacey.

As women we carry a multitude of roles that require much of us. While my relationship with the Lord is strong, it takes relying on His strength to maintain all of the roles and relationships in my life. It takes putting all of my faith in God to help me maintain all that I am called to do within my family, with my friends, and within my God given purpose. It can be overwhelming at times and I find myself becoming task oriented and focused on getting things checked off of a list. While it is good to be productive, we have to put it all in perspective and know the purpose of it all. Read more

Teachable Moments

by Kim Mozingo

My mother picked up my son at pre-school one afternoon and took him for a treat.  As they were enjoying their treat he asked, “So, Grandma, how was your day?”   “I had a great day, how was yours?” responded Grandma.  “You know Grandma, when you have one of those days…where things just don’t go.”  This was not a typical response for my son who always has a “great day” at school, something had happened.  Thankfully, Grandma had some time to invest in this conversation.  As the story unfolded, he had gotten in trouble at school and was quite upset with his teacher over the situation.  He told Grandma how it “hurts real bad down in here (his chest area)” and he did not like it.  He told her, “Actually Grandma, it’s called sin”.   Read more

Video: A Mother’s Prayer

Sue Detweiler, Founder of, shares how a mother’s prayer can change a nation. Using the biblical story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1, Sue shares how God answers the desperate petition of a mother who surrenders her hearts desire to God. As a mother persists and perseveres in prayer, God hears her petition and answers her prayers in accordance with His will. Surrender your heart completely to God, He will hear your prayer.

Overcoming Postpartum Depression

Overcoming Postpartum Depression – by Christa Ashworth

My Story of overcoming postpartum depression:

I was really looking forward to being a mom.  I had my first baby when I was 27 years old, and I felt like I could conquer the world.  I had been able to do almost everything I had put my mind to up until this point in my life, so when I experienced struggle after struggle with my newborn, I started to fall apart.  A few weeks after my daughter was born, I could feel myself slipping into some cloud of darkness.  I was experiencing all the new mom things like not sleeping, not showering and not having a moment to call my own – but also an underweight infant who had breastfeeding problems.  And my hormones must have been in total revolt against me.  I wanted to curl up into a ball on my bathroom floor and never see the world again. Read more