Your Peace
“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross” Colossians 1:19-20 NIV.”
Does your life ever feel a bit chaotic? Your morning is just not going well. You feel some tension with your husband. The baby is crying, you are trying to get out of the door to take the kids to school, your husband can’t find his brief case…. Does this sound familiar? Every home can be a pressure cooker. And you can be the one who is about ready to blow your lid. In moments like this stop, breath, and begin to expect the peace of God to take control of your emotions. Do not just react to the stress of the environment, change the environment it self with an infusion with peace that comes from God.
Impossible you say. Yes it is, without God. But with God nothing is impossible. Begin to ask Him for a solution for your morning routine and your daily responsibilities. Relying totally on Him for the details of your life can bring you His peace.
The peace that Christ made through His shed blood is an eternal peace. The peace of Christ is eternally yours. Don’t get caught up in things that don’t matter for eternity. Let His peace rule in your mind, heart, will and emotions. Remember, He is the One who has the whole world in His hands. You can trust Him to be your peace.